Terminal Readmission to the Hospital

6 weeks later, Mrs. Green is brought in by ambulance to the ED.

Her son and daughter are with her. Her daughter is tearful. They say that over the past 24 hours, their mother has been difficult to arouse. For the past 2 weeks she has not gotten out of bed, has lost interest in eating, and is drinking very little. At times she seemed confused and appeared to be looking or talking to people that were not in the room. They become very concerned and frightened when they thought she was choking on her own saliva and called 911 for an ambulance.

Home hospice nurse is contacted. She says Mrs. G was minimally arousable yesterday and she told the family that the dying process was beginning. She discussed what to expect and that she would be on call to come anytime. Mrs. G’s daughter was very upset and asked what else could be done. The hospice nurse was not surprised to learn about the transfer to the ED given Mrs. G’s daughter’s reaction.

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