How to open up a spiritual dialogue with a patient

Establish an empathetic connection with the patient. Often nothing more will be required to engage the patient in significant spiritual sharing. Only then consider moving to specific questions, for example:

  • Opening 
    “It must be very hard for you to find yourself so sick. How are you holding up?”
  • Meaning
    “Would there be anything for which you might hope even if you are not cured?”
  • Value
    “Do you feel that people in the hospital/your family/ friends/congregation care about you as a person?”
  • Relationship
    “How are things with your family and friends?”
  • Closing
    “I think we’ve covered some very important ground here, but there is so much more to talk about. If it is okay with you I’m going to send Chaplain (S.) to see you later today. I would like to tell her a little about what you’ve shared with me, so she can be better prepared. Would that be okay?”

Sulmasey, D.P., Spirtual Issues in the Care of Dying Patients, JAMA, Sept. 20, 2006